Moorlands and beyond… - Concerto for piano trio & orchestra [Durata 25’]
Fragments of Enlightment - For orchestra [Durata 10']
The Four Seasons - Concertino for Violin and Ensemble [Durata 10']
Festouvertyr - For Orchestra [Durata 4']
Symphony in Fire, Water, Earth & Air - Concertino for Violin and Ensemble [Durata 10']
Choryn - Concerto for Harp and Orchestra [Durata 21']
Solus - Concerto for Harp and Orchestra [Durata 5']
Number 9, Number 9... - Concerto for Harp and Orchestra [Durata 5']
Ur ÆDNAN - Viola Concerto / Concerto for Viola, Yoiking Voice and Orchestra [Durata: 25']
Seamounts - For Wind Orchestra [Durata: 17']
Acanthes - Concerto for Two Violins & Strings [Durata: 25']
Flourish - For Youth Orchestra [Durata: 10']
Cetus - Concerto for Bassoon & Winds [Durata: 13']
Songs of the Sky - Piano Concerto No 2 - For Piano & Strings [Durata: 12']
Light is Like Water - For Choir & Orchestra [Durata: 10']
Wildwood - For Orchestra [Durata: 21']
Stellar Clouds - Piano Concerto No 1 - For Piano and Orchestra [Durata: 21']
Ascent - Concerto for Orchestra - For Orchestra [Durata: 16']
Orchestration: 2222, 2231, timp, 2 perc, hrp, str.
Stjärnorna - For Mezzosoprano and Chamber Orchestra [Durata: 10']
Aprilserenad - For Soprano, Mezzosoprano and Orchestra [Durata: 10']
Orchestration: 1111, 2200, timp, soprano, mezzo soprano, strings
Highlands - For Solo Violoncello and Orchestra [Durata: 22']
Orchestration: 2222 | 2200 | Timp | Perc | Solo Vlc | Str
Paradisfåglar II – Birds of Paradise II - For Orchestra [Durata: 8']
Orchestration: 2222 2200 1 Perc. Str
Serenade in Seven Colours - For Winds and Percussion [Durata: 8']
Orch: Fl 1, Fl 2/Picc, Ob 1, Ob 2/Eng Hn, Cl in Bb, Cl in Eb, Bsn 1, Bsn 2/Cbsn, Hn 1-2, Trp 1-2, 1 Perc
Liguria - For Orchestra [Durata: 10']
Orchestration: 3333, 4331, timp, 3 perc, hrp, str.
Lucioles - For Orchestra [Durata: 10']
Orchestration: 2222, 2200, 2perc, str.
Ekon Över Kongahälla - Double Concerto for two Horns and Wind Orchestra [Durata: 20']
Orchestration: 2222 2200 1 Perc. Str
Flyttfåglar - Concertino for Oboe and Strings [Durata: 15']
Orchestration: solo oboe, str. minimum 54321
Camelopardalis - For Orchestra [Durata: 8']
Orchestration (original version): 2222, 2231, timp, 1perc, hrp, str.
Zephyros - For Orchestra [Durata: 10']
Orchestration: 2222, 2200, 2perc, str.
Näktergalen - The Nightingale - For Chamber Orchestra [Durata: 15']
Orchestration: 1111, 1110, 2perc, hrp, pno, str.
Paradisfåglar – Birds of Paradise - For Strings [Durata: 8']
Str: minimum 54321
Paradisfåglar – Birds of Paradise - For Orchestra [Durata: 12']
Orchestration: 3333, 4330, 4perc, hrp, pno, str.
Doblado´s Serenade - For Big Band